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Time Diagram

Time diagrams are used in a dynamic analysis. A time diagram can be used to define the excitation of the model by a load as a function of time.

First, create a load case of the "Time History Analysis | Time Diagram" analysis type. Then, you can define the nodal, member, or surface loads. In a time diagram, define the time step of loading and the size of the final load, which can be controlled by the multiplier k.

There are two options for defining a time diagram:

  • User-defined
  • Function

It is also possible to create load combinations using the "Time History Analysis | Time diagram" analysis type and to assign the load cases with time diagrams.

Further information on the different types of time diagrams is provided in the manual of the Time History Analysis add-on for dynamic analysis.

  1. Dlubal Software. (2020). Manual RF-DYNAM Pro. Tiefenbach: Dlubal Software.