Solutions for Stability Analysis
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Lateral-Torsional Buckling with Warping Torsion
The Torsional Warping (7 DOF) add-on allows you to consider cross-section warping as an additional degree of freedom.
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The modal relevance factor (MRF) can help you to assess to which extent specific elements participate in a specific mode shape. The calculation is based on the relative elastic deformation energy of each individual member.
The MRF can be used to distinguish between local and global mode shapes. If multiple individual members show significant MRFs (for example, > 20%), the instability of the entire structure or a substructure is very likely. On the other hand, if the sum of all MRFs for an eigenmode is around 100%, a local stability phenomenon (for example, buckling of a single bar) can be expected.
Furthermore, the MRF can be used to determine critical loads and equivalent buckling lengths of certain members (for example, for stability design). Mode shapes for which a specific member has small MRF values (for example, < 20%) can be neglected in this context.
The MRF is displayed by mode shape in the result table under Stability Analysis → Results by Members → Effective Lengths and Critical Loads.

Compared to the RF-/STABILITY (RFEM 5) and RSBUCK (RSTAB 8) add-on modules, the following new features have been added to the Structure Stability add-on for RFEM 6 / RSTAB 9:
- Activation as a property of a load case or load combination
- Automated activation of the stability calculation via combination wizards for several load situations in one step
- Incremental load increase with user-defined termination criteria
- Modification of the mode shape normalization without recalculation
- Result tables with filter option

- Calculation of models consisting of member, shell, and solid elements
- Nonlinear stability analysis
- Optional consideration of axial forces from initial prestress
- Several equation solvers for an efficient calculation of various structural models
- Optional consideration of stiffness modifications via structure modification settings
- Determination of a stability mode greater than the user-defined load increment factor (Shift method)
- Optional determination of the mode shapes of unstable models (to identify the cause of instability)
- Visualization of the stability mode
- Basis for determining imperfection

Due to the integrated RF-/STEEL Warping Torsion module extension, it is possible to perform the design according to Design Guide 9 in RF-/STEEL AISC.
The calculation is performed with 7 degrees of freedom according to the warping torsion theory and enables a realistic stability design, including consideration of torsion.
Is it possible to consider shear panels and rotational restraints in the global calculation?