Solutions for Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis
Recommended Products for Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis
Response Spectrum Analysis
The Response Spectrum Analysis add-on performs seismic analysis using multi-modal response spectrum analysis. The spectra required for this can be created in compliance with the standards or can be user-defined. The equivalent static forces are generated from them. The add-on includes an extensive library of accelerograms from seismic zones that can be used to generate the response spectra.
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The stiffness of gas given by the ideal gas law pV = nRT can be considered in the nonlinear dynamic analysis.
The calculation of gas is available for accelerograms and time diagrams for both the explicit analysis and the nonlinear implicit Newmark analysis. To determine the gas behavior correctly, at least two FE layers for gas solids should be defined.

RF-/DYNAM Pro - Nonlinear Time History is integrated in the structure of RF‑/DYNAM Pro - Forced Vibrations and extended by two nonlinear analysis methods (one nonlinear analysis in RSTAB).
Force-time diagrams can be entered as transient, periodic, or as a function of time. Dynamic load cases combine the time diagrams with the static load cases, which provides high flexibility. Furthermore, it is possible to define time steps for the calculation, structural damping, and export options in the dynamic load cases.
- Nonlinear member types, such as tension and compression members or cables
- Member nonlinearities, such as failure, tearing, yielding under tension or compression
- Support nonlinearities, such as failure, friction, diagram, and partial activity
- Release nonlinearities, such as friction, partial activity, diagram, and fixed if positive or negative internal forces
- User-defined time diagrams as a function of time, in tabular form, or as harmonic loads
- Combination of the time diagrams with RFEM/RSTAB load cases or combinations (enables definition of nodal, member, and surface loads, as well as free and generated loads varying over time)
- Combination of several independent excitation functions
- Nonlinear time history analysis with the implicit Newmark analysis (RFEM only) or the explicit analysis
- Structural damping using Rayleigh damping coefficients or Lehr's damping
- Direct import of initial deformations from a load case or combination (RFEM only)
- Stiffness modifications as initial conditions; for example, axial force effect, deactivated members (RSTAB only)
- Graphical display of results in a time history diagram
- Export of results in user-defined time steps or as an envelope