Definition of Multilayer Surfaces, such as Laminate Surfaces or Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT)
Multilayer Surfaces | Features
- Flexible definition of different layer compositions
- High efficiency due to the minimum amount of input data
- Flexibility due to detailed setting options for basis and extent of calculations
- Generation of a local overall stiffness matrix of the surface in RFEM, based on the selected material model and the layers contained
- Graphical display of the orientation of individual layers
- Definition of timber panel elements using the "Beam Panel" thickness type
Multilayer Surfaces | Procedure
Please note that all data specified in the Multilayer Surfaces add-on regarding materials, load combinations, and result combinations must comply with the design concept of the standard. The material library already contains the relevant materials. RFEM allows you to automatically generate the load and result combinations in accordance with the standard. If you want, you can also create these combinations manually.
You can vary the structure of layers forming the basis for the stiffness calculation. Furthermore, you can adjust the parameters defined by the selected material model according to your individual needs. This way, completely free selection is provided to you when generating the stiffnesses.
The selected material also determines the limit stresses of each layer. You can also adjust these values according to your needs. In this case, the composition of layers is assigned to any surface as a thickness type.
Multilayer Surfaces | Results
The stiffnesses contain all design check formulas, including standard references, so you can precisely follow the design checks.
In this case, all input and result data are part of the RFEM printout report. You can select the report contents and extent specifically for the individual design checks. In the end, you have thus exactly what you wanted.
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