
Contact Solid

The "General" tab of the solid dialog box describes the following parameters:

  • Solid type, "Contact" in this case
  • Boundary surfaces of the solid
  • Material of the solid

The "Contact" tab manages the following information:

  • Two surfaces A and B, between which the contact properties are effective
  • Properties of the contact perpendicular to both surfaces (full force transmission, failure under compression or tension)
  • Properties of the contact parallel to both surfaces (full force transmission, failure if contact perpendicular to surfaces failed, rigid or elastic friction with or without limit, elastic solid behavior)

The following requirements must be met for the definition of a contact solid:

  • Two contact surfaces must be parallel to each other and have the same dimensions.
  • Both contact surfaces must have the same integrated elements, such as nodes and lines, at the same height.
  • Each lateral connecting surface must consist of four boundary lines.
