
Line Hinge

Line hinges control the connections between surfaces. It is possible to consider entire decouplings of surfaces or elastic couplings by means of linear springs. In concrete construction, a line hinge can be used to define an assembly gap. In timber construction, modeling with line hinges is necessary due to the very limited rotation transmission of forces.

Types of Line Hinges

  • Deformations of each FE node of the line of a surface can be released or coupled with a line hinge in x-, y- and z-direction.
  • The rotation can be released around the longitudinal axis of a line.

Entering in RFEM

Line hinges can be defined by using the menu "Insert" → "Model Data" → "Line Hinges." In contrast to supports, the degree of freedom is activated for line releases by checking the box (for supports, the degree of freedom is then unchecked).