ULS stands for "Ultimate Limit State" and describes the state in which the structural component under consideration is subjected to the most unfavorable load.
The ultimate limit state design is used to ensure the stability of structural components. Exceeding this limit state may lead to the failure of the structure.
The Eurocode distinguishes various design situations for the action combinations of the ultimate limit state:
- Permanent and transient action Ed
Ed |
Design value of loading for permanent and transient actions |
γ |
Safety factor |
ψ |
Combination coefficient |
- Accidental action EdA
EdA |
Design loading value for accidental loading |
γ |
Safety factor |
ψ |
Combination coefficient |
- Loading due to earthquake Ed
Gk,j |
Charakteristischer Wert einer ständigen Einwirkung j |
P |
Maßgebender repräsentativer Wert einer Vorspannung |
AEd |
Bemessungswert einer Einwirkung infolge Erdbeben |
Qk,i |
Charakteristischer Wert einer nicht maßgebenden veränderlichen Einwirkung i (Begleiteinwirkung) |
'+' |
'ist zu kombinieren' |
∑ |
'gemeinsame Auswirkung von' |
In RFEM and RSTAB, it is possible to automatically generate load combinations based on a design situation for various loads according to the Eurocode.