Design of Coupled Purlins and Continuous Beams
RX-TIMBER Purlin | Features
- Design of the following geometrical types:
- Single-span beams with and without cantilevers
- Continuous beams with and without cantilevers
- Hinged girder system (Gerber beams) with and without cantilevers
- Automatic generation of wind and snow loads
- Automatic creation of required combinations for the ultimate and serviceability limit states, as well as fire resistance design
- For design according to EC 5 (EN 1995), the following National Annexes are available:
DIN EN 1995-1-1/NA:2013-08 (Germany)
NBN EN 1995-1-1/ANB:2012-07 (Belgium)
DK EN 1995-1-1/NA:2011-12 (Denmark)
SFS EN 1995-1-1/NA:2007-11 (Finland)
NF EN 1995-1-1/NA:2010-05 (France)
UNI EN 1995-1-1/NA:2010-09 (Italy)
NEN EN 1995-1-1/NB:2007-11 (Netherlands)
ÖNORM B 1995-1-1:2015-06 (Austria)
PN EN 1995-1-1/NA:2010-09 (Poland)
SS EN 1995-1-1 (Sweden)
STN EN 1995-1-1/NA:2008-12 (Slovakia)
SIST EN 1995-1-1/A101:2006-03 (Slovenia)
CSN EN 1995-1-1:2007-09 (Czech Republic)
BS EN 1995-1-1/NA:2009-10 (the United Kingdom)
- Consideration of optimization options by user specifications according to the respective standard:
- Shear force reduction of single loads near support
- Shear force reduction of load introduction at the cross-section top point
- Moment redistribution in support zone
- Reduction of torsional stress by means of user-defined entry of moment
- Increase of bending stiffnesses for flat-ended or edgewise bending strains
- Simple geometry input with illustrative graphics
- Extensive material library for both standards
- Optional extension of material library by further materials
- Extensive library of permanent loads
- Allocation of framework to service classes and specification of service class categories
- Determination of design ratios, support forces, and deformations
- Info icon indicating successful or failed design
- Color reference scales in result tables
- Direct data export to MS Excel
- Program languages: English, German, Czech, Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Polish, Chinese, Dutch, and Russian
- Verifiable printout report, including all required designs. Printout report available in many output languages; for example, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Czech, Polish, Portuguese, Chinese, and Dutch.
- Direct import of stp files from various CAD programs
RX-TIMBER Purlin | Input
There are various options available for beam modeling. A roof type determines the exact purlin location for wind and snow generation.
Two beam types are available: continuous beam and purlin. If you select the continuous beam, it is possible to define several hinge conditions of the beam. If you select the purlin, it is not possible to modify hinge conditions. In this case, the calculation considers a double cross-section in the coupling zone. In addition, several coupling elements are available in the purlin settings:
- Nails (prebored/not prebored)
- Ring and plate connectors and bolts
- Screw connection with fastening system WT from SFS intec
- User-defined specification using characteristic strength
The relevant timber grade of the material can be selected from the material library. All material grades for glulam, hardwood and softwood timber specified in EC 5 are available. Furthermore, you have the option to generate a strength class with user-defined material properties and thus extend the library.A comprehensive and extensible material library can also be used for entering permanent loads (for example, roof structure).
Generators integrated in RX-TIMBER Purlin allow for convenient generation of various wind and snow load cases. By clicking the information buttons, the map of wind and snow zones for the relevant country is displayed. The corresponding zone can be selected with a double-click. Load cases can be checked graphically.
However, you can enter load specifications manually as well. According to the generated loads, the program automatically creates combinations for the ultimate and serviceability limit states as well as for fire resistance design in the background.
RX-TIMBER Purlin | Design
The design analyzes tension and compression along the grain, bending, bending and tension or compression, and shear due to shear force with and without torsion. Designs proceed at the level of design stress values. The design of structural components at risk of buckling or lateral buckling is performed according to the Equivalent Member Method and considers the systematic axial compression, bending with and without compression force as well as bending and tension.
The deflection in the characteristic and quasi-permanent design situations is determined for inner spans and cantilevers. Separate design cases allow for a flexible analysis of specific actions as well as for individual stability analyses. You can define the design type to be performed in the Control Parameters window.
RX-TIMBER Purlin | Results
After the calculation, the results of performed designs, including all required intermediate values, are displayed in clearly arranged result tables sorted by various criteria. Since the program displays the intermediate values in detail, the transparency of all designs is ensured. It is possible to display the distribution of internal forces for each x-location of the beam in a separate graphical window. Here, both the deformations and the individual internal forces can be displayed.
Limit state designs are represented on members and the relevant fastener. This way, it is possible to retrace each value determined for calculation. Designs with design details and selected result diagrams can be added in the printout report, providing clearly arranged documentation. The printout report can include graphics, descriptions, drawings, and more. Moreover, it is possible to select which calculation data will be covered in the printout.
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