Calculation of Stiffening Bracing
RX-TIMBER Brace | Features
- Design of the following roof types:
- Monopitch roof
- Duopitch Roof
- Curved roof
- All roof shapes allow for a free selection of stiffening diagonals. The following types are available:
- Falling diagonals
- Rising diagonals
- Crossing diagonals with verticals
- Crossing diagonals without verticals
- Crossing diagonals with steel strips (ties)
- Consideration of window rows in the ridge by selecting an inner intermediate part.
- For design according to EC 5 (EN 1995), the following National Annexes are available:
DIN EN 1995-1-1/NA:2013-08 (Germany)
NBN EN 1995-1-1/ANB:2012-07 (Belgium)
DK EN 1995-1-1/NA:2011-12 (Denmark)
SFS EN 1995-1-1/NA:2007-11 (Finland)
NF EN 1995-1-1/NA:2010-05 (France)
UNI EN 1995-1-1/NA:2010-09 (Italy)
NEN EN 1995-1-1/NB:2007-11 (Netherlands)
ÖNORM B 1995-1-1:2015-06 (Austria)
PN EN 1995-1-1/NA:2010-09 (Poland)
SS EN 1995-1-1 (Sweden)
STN EN 1995-1-1/NA:2008-12 (Slovakia)
SIST EN 1995-1-1/A101:2006-03 (Slovenia)
CSN EN 1995-1-1:2007-09 (Czech Republic)
BS EN 1995-1-1/NA:2009-10 (the United Kingdom)
- Simple geometry input with illustrative graphics
- Automatic generation of wind loads
- Automatic creation of required combinations for the ultimate and serviceability limit states, as well as fire resistance design
- Free definition of the load cases to be used
- Extensive material library
- Optional extension of material library by further materials
- Extensive library of permanent loads
- Allocation of framework to service classes and specification of service class categories
- Determination of design ratios, support forces, and deformations
- Info icon indicating successful or failed design
- Color reference scales in result tables
- Direct data export to MS Excel
- DXF interface for preparation production documents in CAD
- Program languages: English, German, Czech, Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Polish, Chinese, Dutch, and Russian
- Verifiable printout report, including all required designs. Printout report available in many output languages; for example, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Czech, Polish, Portuguese, Chinese, and Dutch.
- In the ultimate limit state design, the stiffness of the hinge is divided by the partial safety factor and in the serviceability limit state design calculated using the mean stiffnesses. The limit values for the ultimate and the serviceability limit states can be defined separately.
RX-TIMBER Brace | Input
The geometry is entered by means of templates, as in all other programs of the RX‑TIMBER family. By selecting the roof structure, you define the base geometry, which can be adjusted by user-defined settings. The relevant timber grade of the material can be selected from the material library. All material grades for glulam, hardwood, poplar and softwood timber specified in EN 1995-1-1 are available. Furthermore, it is possible to generate a strength class with user-defined material properties in order to extend the library.
Since the stiffening bracing includes the steel cross-sections, current steel grades are integrated in the library as well. Therefore, rolled and welded cross-sections are also available. Stiffening of coupling elements can be considered in Table 1.5 Connections as translational and rotational spring stiffnesses. The program handles these stiffnesses with a stiffness divided by the partial safety factor for the design of the bearing capacity and with the mean values of the stiffness for the serviceability limit state design. The loading can be entered directly as a lateral load (equivalent lateral load) resulting from a truss girder design.
The wind load is applied automatically to all four sides of the structure. Additionally, you can specify user-defined loads; for example, concentrated loads from columns (buckling load). According to the generated loads, the program automatically creates combinations for the ultimate and serviceability limit states as well as for fire resistance design in the background. The generated combinations can be considered or adjusted by user-defined specifications.
RX-TIMBER Brace | Design
In RX-TIMBER Brace, the following settings for the calculation can be made:*Selection of the designs to be performed
- Determination of displaying support forces and deformations
- Adjustment of recommended limit values for deformation analyses in the ultimate and the serviceability limit state design
- Free definition of parameters for the fire resistance design performed according to the simplified method
- Consideration of material nonlinearities (failing members)
You can define the design type to be performed in the Control Parameters window.
RX-TIMBER Brace | Results
After the calculation, the results of performed designs, including all required intermediate values, are displayed in clearly arranged result tables sorted by various criteria. Since the program displays the intermediate values in detail, the transparency of all designs is ensured. It is possible to display the distribution of internal forces for each x-location of the beam in a separate graphical window. Here, both the deformations and the individual internal forces can be displayed.
Designs with design details and selected result diagrams can be added in the printout report, providing clearly arranged documentation. The printout report can include graphics, descriptions, drawings, and more. Moreover, it is possible to select which calculation data will be covered in the printout.
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