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Result Points

The surface and solid results are output at the grid points of the surfaces and at the FEM mesh nodes (see chapter Result Values on Surfaces). If you need the values at specific locations, you can define any points for the result display and assign them to the corresponding surfaces or solids.


Use the Surface Result Point button in the toolbar to set result points directly on the model.


In the list, select the object for which you require the result point:

  • On Surface: for surface results
  • Spatial: for results of a wind simulation with RWIND
  • In Solid: for solid results


Specify the 'Coordinate system' whose axes you want to use for the result points. You can select a user-defined coordinate system from the list or use the New button to create a new one.

Enter the 'Coordinates' of the result point next. You can also use the Select Individually button to define the point graphically.

After the calculation, you can display the values in the user-defined result points using the corresponding options of the 'Navigator - Results'.

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