

Guidelines represent a grid of axes and rows underneath the graphical workspace. The intersection points of guidelines are also snap points for the graphical input - provided that the object snap for guidelines is activated (see Chapter Object Snaps). You can also do it by quick control using the Snap to Guidelines button in the CAD Toolbar .

Guidelines may be parallel to the axes of the global coordinate system XYZ. However, free angles and polar alignments are also possible. Spacings between guidelines may also be arbitrary.

To display or hide the guidelines, use the Show Guidelines button in the CAD toolbar.


In the list, the guidelines are sorted by work planes and types. As usual, you can create new guidelines or copy selected entries by using the New and Copy buttons available at the end of the list.


The guideline description is created automatically but can be adjusted by the Edit Annotation button.


Use the check box to control whether the guideline is displayed in the work window.


Use the navigator shortcut menu to activate or deactivate all guidelines at once (see Image Guideline Shortcut Menu in Navigator).

Work Plane

Define the 'Coordinate system' to which the guideline is related. You can select a User-Defined Coordinate System from the list or create a new one using the New button.

The 'Work plane orientation' determines the plane in which the guideline is created. For the global coordinate system, you can select the planes XY, YZ, and XZ. For a user-defined coordinate system, you can select the planes UV, VW, and UW.

With the 'Work plane offset', you can arrange the guideline at a certain distance parallel to the work plane. A positive value moves the guideline in the direction of the axis, a negative value in the opposite direction.


The 'Type' controls how the guideline is created. Several options are available in the list.

Type Explanation
Parallel to X / Y / Z The guideline is created parallel to one of the global axes. Specify the offset that describes the distance from the respective global axis.
Parallel to U / V / W The guideline is created parallel to one of the axes of the user-defined coordinate system.
By 2 Points The guideline is defined by two points in the work plane. Enter the coordinates of both points or determine them graphically with the Select Two button.
By Point and Angle The guideline is defined by a point and a rotation angle in the work plane. Enter the coordinates of the point and the rotation angle α (see dialog graphic).
Polar The guideline is created in a circle around a point by the radius r. Enter the coordinates of the center or determine the point graphically with the Select Individually button.


By ticking the 'Lock guideline position' check box, you can control whether a guideline can be selected, edited, or moved. A locked guideline is fixed in the work window. Thus, it cannot be moved or deleted unintentionally, and it does not represent an obstacle when entering model objects.

You can lock and unlock guidelines in the List, either individually or in groups (multiple selection). The general shortcut menu (right-click in an empty space of the work window) as well as the shortcut menu in the navigator also provide the option to lock or unlock all guidelines at once.

If the 'Glue nodes (for manipulation)' check box is ticked, every node you have defined on the guideline is also moved when moving the guideline.


The default setting is that no descriptions are displayed for guidelines. In the 'Label type' list, however, you can select whether to use numbers, letters, or names, as shown in the image Guidelines Parallel to Axes X and Y.

Use the 'User-defined' option to assign individual descriptions to the guidelines.

Setting guidelines graphically

Use the Guideline button in the CAD toolbar to set the guidelines directly in the work window.

The 'New Guideline' dialog box appears.

The guideline - like any other object - is placed in the current work plane. First, define the Type and other options in the small 'New Guideline' dialog box. When you move the mouse in the work plane to specify the 'Offset', the guideline is shown in a preview. By clicking a point, you set the new guideline; then you can continue with the next guideline.


You can also copy guidelines graphically: Select the line(s), then hold down the Ctrl key while moving the line(s).

Editing guidelines

Guidelines are objects for which you can use the graphical editing functions. To move or copy a guideline, select it using one of the Selection Options first.

If you cannot select a guideline in the work window, it is locked. In this case, right-click in an empty space of the work window, then select the Unlock All Guidelines item available on the shortcut menu (see also Image Guideline Shortcut Menu in Navigator).


Guidelines can only be moved or copied in the work plane of the original guideline.

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