
Result Sections

A result section creates an intersection plane or line through the model. This allows you to evaluate the results on intersection lines with surfaces and solids.


Define the 'Type' of the result section. There are two definition types available in the list:

  • 2 points and vector: They put an intersection plane freely through the model.
  • Line: This generates a section along one or more existing lines.

The sections of the dialog box change depending on the specifications.

The result section refers to the global XYZ-'Coordinate system' by default. However, you can also use a user-defined system.

With the 'Show section in direction' list you define the surface plane in which the section line is to be displayed.

By 'Local in +z', which is set by default, the results are applied at right angles to the surfaces cut by the intersection plane.

1st/2nd Point or Line

In these dialog sections, you can define the two edge points of the section or line, depending on the section type.

Enter the 'Point coordinates' of the first and second points. You can also use the Select Two button to define the edge points graphically. If necessary, adjust the work plane if you do not want to define nodes but you do want to define any of the points in the work window.

From each of these two points, a straight line is created in the direction of the 'projection' (see the dialog section below), defining the intersection plane. If this plane intersects a surface, the result diagram is displayed along the intersection line. If several surfaces are intersected by the plane, the result diagrams are displayed in each of these surfaces. In the 'Assigned to' dialog section, you can control the surfaces that are cut by the result section.


Select the 'Show values on isolines' check box if you want to see the result values at the intersection points of the isolines in the isoline display.

Projection in Direction

The plane of a result section is determined by two points and a projection vector. In addition to the three global projection directions, you can select a vector in the list to specify a third point of the plane by user-defined settings.

Display of result sections

The result section display is controlled in the 'Navigator - Results'. There, you can define which results and sections are displayed. The following image shows two result sections: Section 1 shows a vertical intersection plane put through the wall and ceiling surfaces; Section 2 shows results along two boundary lines.

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