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Line Mesh Refinements

Line mesh refinements affect the generation of the FE mesh. Use the line mesh refinement to achieve an adjusted discretization along the line, as it may be necessary in the case of supports.

Mesh Refinement Type

There are several options for the geometric shape of the refinement area:

  • Target FE Length
  • Number of Finite Elements
  • Gradually

The types, including parameters, are represented symbolically in the dialog graphic.


For the 'Target FE Length' and 'Number Finite Elements' types, specify the length or the number of finite elements available along the line. The 'Number of layers' controls how many rows with close-mesh elements are created alongside the line. These refinement types allow you to cover, for example, the boundary areas of surfaces with a dense mesh.

The 'Gradually' type allows you to achieve a gradual refinement by areas having the same mesh size. The larger the 'Number of rows' is, the finer the FE mesh is towards the lines.

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