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Member Loads from Free Line Load

This load wizard helps you to prorate free straight line loads to members for frameworks such as girder grids.


The Main tab manages the load parameters.

Generate into Load Case

In the list, select the load case to which you want to assign the loads. Use the New button to create a new load case.


Load distribution

The list provides various options to determine how the line load acts:

  • Uniform: The load is with a constant magnitude.
  • Linear: The load is distributed linearly variable. In the 'Line Load Parameters' dialog section, you can specify three reference nodes with respective load values.

Coordinate system

The line load can act perpendicular to the load plane ('Local z') or in relation to the global XYZ coordinate system. Alternatively, you can select a user-defined coordinate system or create a new one.

Load direction

If the line load does not act perpendicular to the load plane, but in the direction of a global axis, the list provides different options.

The line load can be related to the true length (such as a weight load) or the projected length (such as a snow load). The load direction is illustrated in the dialog sketch.

Line Load Parameters

Enter the magnitude of the uniform line load. If the load is linearly variable, you can define the numbers of two nodes with the assigned loads. Use the Select Individually button to select the nodes graphically in the work window. If a suitable node needed to assign the load does not yet exist, it is possible to create it using the New button.


If you tick the 'Lock for new members' check box, the line load acts only on the currently available members in the area of the line that is defined by the two nodes in the 'Line Load Parameters' dialog section. Members that you add later to this area will not receive any components of the line load.

The 'Consider member eccentricity' option controls whether the line load acts on the members in the plane without considering eccentricities (default setting). If you activate the check box, the line load is not applied to members for which an out-of-plane offset is available.

With the 'Consider section distribution' check box, you can control whether the line load resulting from a taper definition also acts on the inclined members (default setting). If you activate the check box, the line load will not be applied to members in the load plane that have a non-uniform cross-section distribution (see the Section chapter).

Excluded Members

In the Excluded Members tab, you can specify that members such as bracings do not receive any proportional loads.

Select the members graphically with the Select Individually button, either individually or using a template member running 'parallel' to all load-free members.


In the Tolerances tab, you can set the criteria by which members and nodes are evaluated as belonging to a plane or line. The parameters are described in the Member Loads from Area Load chapter.

Parent Chapter