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If you want to check the geometry when entering model data, you do not need to set any Dimensions. The Tools menu offers various functions for measuring distances and angles.

Alternatively, you can use the Measure list button in the CAD toolbar.

Click the objects for measurement one after the other in the work window. A dialog box provides information how to proceed. The 'Distance' or 'Angle' of the point available for the current cursor position is also shown in this dialog box.


With the 'Distance Between 2 Nodes' function you can select also any point in the Work Plane.

When you have defined the last object, a dialog box appears showing the coordinates of reference points as well as distance or angle information.


When results are available at the node, you can also see deformation data. For surface results, the nodes must be integrated into the surface (see the Integrate unutilized objects into surfaces function).

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