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Member Result Intermediate Points

Member result intermediate points are user-defined member locations where result values are displayed in the tables and in the numerical printout. An intermediate result point does not have an influence on the determination of extreme values or on the graphical result diagram, because a finer division is used for this. It is based on the result values given on the FE mesh nodes that are generated according to the specifications in the Mesh Settings dialog box. Therefore, member result intermediate points are only required for specific evaluations.


Member result intermediate points cannot be used for member types with constant result diagrams (truss, tension, coupling, and so on).


If you select the 'Uniform distances' check box, the intermediate points are created by a regular division. Enter the 'Number of divisions'. In the 'Division Ordinates' dialog section, the corresponding number of table rows is generated with the relative distances. If you deactivate the 'Uniform distances' check box, you can specify user-defined division ordinates.

The 'Set distances as absolute' check box is available if no uniform distances are specified. Then, you can enter the division ordinates as absolute values. The length unit is indicated in the column header of the 'Division Ordinates' table.

Division Ordinates

The table shows the relative or absolute distances of the result intermediate points. If the 'Uniform distances' option is deactivated (see above), you can edit the values and add or delete rows. Make sure that the division ordinates are set in ascending order.

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