
Load Wizards

Load wizards facilitate the input of member and surface loads. They allow you to convert area loads to member loads or to apply snow and wind loads to surfaces and members. One of the load wizards allows for importing the support reactions of another model.


If you deactivate the load wizard in the model's base data (see the 'Add-ons' Tab image), you have to generate the snow and wind loads yourself. The entries in the navigator and in the table are reduced accordingly.

Displaying generated loads as member, line, or surface loads

The generated loads are usually displayed as surface loads above the definition objects. If you want to check the loads that were generated from your specifications, open the context menu of the generated load in the work window. Then, activate the Display separately option.


The loads are converted for display only. They cannot be edited.

Adjusting generated loads

Like any other load, generated loads are displayed in the Loads navigator category and in the Loads in Table . Since they cannot be edited, they are shown in a different color.

If you want to adjust the parameters of the generated loads, open the edit dialog box of the load wizard as usual and make modifications there.

However, in order to treat the generated loads as isolated load objects, they must be removed from the overall concept and broken down into their components. Use the load's shortcut menu in the work window or in the 'Navigator - Data'. Then, select the Disconnect Loads function.

After confirming the query, RFEM converts the generated load into "real" member, line, or surface loads, which you can then edit.