

Select the model objects that you want to scale. Then click on the Scale button (see picture # extbookmark manual|image030469|Modeling Tools#). In the 'Scale' dialog box, specify whether the objects should be copied when scaling, and define the parameters. The following image shows a cross-section and the copy that has been reduced by a factor of 0.5 in relation to the origin.


The Main tab manages the basic parameters for scaling objects.


If there is no tick set in the 'Create copy' check box, the selected objects will be scaled. If you want to create one or more copies, tick the check box. Then, enter the 'Number of steps' that describes the quantity of copies.

Scaling Parameters

Enter the 'Scaling factor' k. This way, you define the scale factor by which the distance of the selected objects from the reference point is multiplied (see the dialog graphic).

The 'Scaling through' list provides three options for defining the direction of scaling:

  • Point: all object coordinates (Y and Z) are scaled in relation to a 'point' whose coordinates have to be defined.
  • Direction and point: Only one object coordinate is scaled. In the list, select the 'Direction' whose coordinates you want to adjust, and define 'Point P' as the reference point.
  • 2 points: The scaling direction is arbitrary in the plane. Enter the coordinates for 'Point P1' and 'Point P2' to define the direction. Use the Select Two button to define the points graphically.


In the 'Options' section, specify whether the thickness of elements should also be scaled. The option 'Points only (without element thicknesses)' scales the start and end points of elements but keeps the element thickness. The 'Points and Element Thicknesses' option scales the start and end points as well as the element thickness.


The Numbering tab is only displayed when copying. You can influence the numbering of the new objects here.

The functions of this register are described in the chapters # extbookmark manual|numberingAndOptionsTab|Move and Copy# chapter.

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