
Selection Options

Before editing objects, it is necessary to define—that is, to "select"—the corresponding model objects. You can use various options depending on the object type and purpose.

The selected objects are highlighted in a different color. You can adjust the colors of the selection and those of the preselection ("touching" an object without clicking it) in the "Display Properties" dialog box.

You can edit the properties of selected objects by double-clicking one of these objects. Alternatively, click Edit Selection in the Edit menu.

Selecting Objects Graphically

Selection with Mouse

To select an object in the work window, click it with the left mouse button. The object remains selected until you click on another object or in an empty area of the work window. If you want to add more objects to the selection, you have two options:

  • Hold down the Ctrl key while clicking.
  • Click the Selection Mode button to activate the "Add to Selection" setting in the Edit → Select menu.

Selection with Graphic Area

To select several objects in the work window at the same time, draw a window over the objects while holding down the left mouse button. The following applies: If you draw the window from left to right, all objects that are completely within the window are selected. However, if you draw the window from right to left, the selection also includes all objects that are only partially in this area. The assigned colors are managed in the Display Properties dialog box.


If you hold down the [Alt] key while drawing the window, you can select lines or points lying in parts without moving the parts.

If the selection using a window is unfavorable, you can make the selection using a parallelogram, an elliptical area, a circular area, or a freehand area ("Lasso"). You can find these selection options in the Edit → Select menu.

Selecting Free Points

The "Free Points" function in the Edit → Select menu allows you to select all points that are not used for the definition of lines or parts. To delete these points, press the Del key.

Selecting Related Objects

When selecting a part, the corresponding lines and points are not included in the selection. Use the "Related Objects" function in the Edit → Select menu to integrate the components of the selected objects into the selection.

Selecting Objects via Navigator

You can select an object by clicking the corresponding entry in the Navigator – Data. This function also extends to the object properties: For example, if you select a material in the navigator, all objects to which the material is assigned are selected in the work window.

Selecting Objects via Table

You can select a model object by clicking the corresponding row in the Table – Basic Objects.


The graphical selection using the table is only possible if the Select Object in Graphic button in the table toolbar is active (default).

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