
Entering Internal Forces

The model can be designed by load case using several internal forces available at the individual locations x along a member.

If there are different internal force conditions, you can design them

  • individually in different load cases,
  • on different members in the same load case, or
  • at different locations x in the same load case.


The internal force number is assigned automatically, but can be changed. The order is irrelevant for the numbering. It does not have to be continuous, either; gaps in the numbering are allowed.


You can adjust the numbering of the internal forces by using the table at any time.

Load Case

From the list, select the load case for which you want to define the internal forces.

Member No.

The internal forces are managed by member. You can freely select the number of a member on which the internal forces act.


In the event of several internal force conditions, you can create and design different load cases. It is usually faster to define different members (or locations x) and assign the internal forces. They are then managed in a single load case.

Internal Forces Relative to

In the list, select whether the internal forces refer to the principal axes u and v of the model, or to the input axes y and z that lie parallel to the global axes Y and Z in the center of gravity.


When changing the reference, the indices of internal forces are adjusted, but not the values!


Enter the location of the member where the internal forces defined below occur. The entry of internal forces does not need to be linked to a specific location of the structure. You can imagine different combinations of internal forces for the x-locations for which the model is analyzed.


The member numbers and x-locations are important for the import of internal forces from RFEM and RSTAB (see the chapter Import Internal Forces ): They ensure the clear assignment of the member internal forces.

Internal Forces

The image Vorzeichenkonvention für Schnittgrößen am positiven Schnittufer shows the sign convention for positive internal forces in RSECTION.

Axial Force

The program considers the axial forces N as acting on the centroid S of the model.

The tension force is positive; the compression force is negative.

Shear Forces

The program considers shear forces Vy, Vz, or Vu, Vv as acting on the shear center M of the model.

If you have entered the shear forces in relation to the input axes y and z, they are automatically transformed in the direction of the principal axes u and v for the calculation. In the "Internal Forces" table, the transformed shear forces are also shown after the calculation.

Torsional Moments

The primary torsional moments Mxp and the secondary torsional moments Mxs are related to the shear center M.

Sum of Torsional Moments

The sum of the torsional moments Mt results from the addition of the primary and secondary torsional moments.

Bending Moments

The program considers the bending moments My, Mz, or Mu, Mv as acting on the centroid S of the model.

If you have entered the bending moments in relation to the input axes y and z, they are automatically transformed in the direction of the principal axes u and v for the calculation.


The program considers the bimoments Mω as acting on the shear center M of the model.

Parent Chapter