

You can set the display type of the results in the Navigator - Results.

Result values

You can show or hide the result values and their units with these check boxes.


Result values and units are only output for the analysis methods 'Analysis of Thin-Walled Elements' and 'Effective Analysis of Thin-Walled Elements' with the representation type ' From '.


In the two-color display, positive results are shown in red and negative results in blue by default. You can adjust the color assignment in the display properties .

If the results are displayed with/without a diagram, the color is assigned according to the scale in the control panel .


These options only have an effect on the analysis methods 'Analysis of thin-walled elements' and 'Effective analysis of thin-walled elements' with the representation type ' From '.

Type of Display

The results can be displayed as isosurfaces or isolines, with the color assignment according to the scale in the control panel . In the case of a finite element calculation, the results are hidden with the display type ' From '; For the other design methods, the results are displayed according to the Display_Elements setting for elements .

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