
Exhibition Greenhouse of Flora Botanical Garden in Cologne, Germany

In Cologne, a new exhibition greenhouse and an orangery are going to enrich the Flora botanical garden. The exhibition greenhouse consists of three arched building sections that are connected to each other.

The wings are arranged at right angles to each other in a U-shape, being divided into a main wing and two side wings. The new building is used as a house for tropical plants, crops, and desert plants. The orangery connects the existing subtropical house with the exhibition greenhouse over a length of about 328 ft.

The German Dlubal customer ASSMANN BERATEN + PLANEN AG was responsible for the structural analysis of the steel structure. The structural frame and truss analysis software RSTAB was used for the structural design.


The exhibition greenhouse is a steel structure with a glass roof. The external dimensions of the main area (tropical house) are L x W = 180 ft x 69 ft; those of the two smaller areas (desert house and crop house) are each L x W = 112 ft x 39 ft.

The principal beams of the greenhouse are slender, curved IPEo sections, which are arranged in a spacing of 10 ft. The height of the large arches is approx. 56 ft and that of the small arches is approx. 26 ft.

Due to the shape of the arches, the stiffening in the transverse direction is achieved by a two-hinged frame. In the longitudinal direction, the arches are connected by regularly distributed coupling members. These members transfer the stiffening loads into the roof and wall bracings and thus into the foundation.

Location Alter Stammheimer Weg
50735 Köln, Germany


Project Management City of Cologne Represented by Cologne Facility Management
Architect Königs Architekten
Structural Engineering and Construction ASSMANN BERATEN + PLANEN AG

Project Specifications

Model Data

Number of Nodes 4929
Number of Lines 5541
Number of Members 5541
Number of Surfaces 0
Number of Solids 0
Number of Load Cases 13
Number of Load Combinations 34
Number of Result Combinations 2
Total Weight 98.869 tons
Dimensions (Metric) 53.811 x 16.598 x 60.815 m
Dimensions (Imperial) 176.55 x 54.46 x 199.52 feet

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