
Stress Configuration

In the stress configuration, you can select the stresses to be calculated. You can open the stress configuration in the Navigator – Data using the Stresses entry.


The Main tab manages the list of stresses to be calculated.

Stresses to Calculate

You can select the stresses to be calculated in the list. When you select a check box, the corresponding stress is calculated.

A description of the selected stress is displayed to the right of the list.

Limit Stress

For each stress, you can select a limit stress type in the table. The stress ratio is calculated from the ratio of the existing stress to the limit stress.

If you want to increase or reduce the limit stress for a stress type, you can scale it accordingly in the "Factor" column. If you select the "/" option, the stress is divided by the factor multiplied by "*".


For the "None" type of limit stress, the calculation of the stress ratio is omitted.

Limit Normal Stress

The limit normal stress represents the allowable stress for the loading due to bending and an axial force. The limit normal stress is determined according to the following formula.

Limit Shear Stress

The limit shear stress indicates the allowable shear stress due to shear and torsion. The limit shear stress is determined according to the following formula.

Limit Equivalent Stress

The limit equivalent stress represents the allowable equivalent stress for the simultaneous effect of several stresses. The limit equivalent stress is determined according to the following formula.


You can use the "User-defined" limit stress type to adjust the limit stress manually. The limit stress can be specified in the "User-defined limit stress" column.

User-Defined Compression / Tension

The "User-defined compression/tension" limit stress type allows you to specify sign-dependent limit stresses for certain stress components.


The list provides you with the option of filtering by the limit stress type. For example, if you filter by the "Limit Equivalent Stress" type, only stresses of this type are displayed in the list.

Special Options

You can specify the settings for the stress calculation in the Special Options tab.

Modify von Mises Equivalent Stress

You can adjust the factors used to determine the equivalent stress. The factors affect the equivalent stress (von Mises, modified) σv, von Mises, mod.

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