

In addition to the # extbookmark manual|export_active_table|Table functions # exporting the active table also export several tables at once.

To do this, select Export → Tables from the File menu.


You can import export settings from a template or save them as a template.

To import the export settings from a template, select the template in the drop-down list. You can then make adjustments if necessary.

To create a new template, use the New button and then enter the name of the template. Make the required settings and then save them with the 'Apply' button.

You can copy a template using the Copy button. Then enter the name of the template. Make the required settings and then save them with the 'Apply' button.

You can rename a user-defined template with the User-Defined Name button and delete it with the Delete button.

Tables to Export

The tables are listed in a directory tree. Check the tables that you want to export here.

Transfer Parameters

Select the export format from the drop-down list.

Microsoft Excel

Exports the tables to the standard XML-based file format for Excel and opens the export file in Microsoft Excel.

You can specify the target tables to which the data is to be written. If the 'Export table to the active workbook' check box is deactivated, a new workbook is created. The option 'Export table to active worksheet' allows you to use the current worksheet of the spreadsheet program. If the check box 'Rewrite existing worksheet' is activated, a table with the same name as in RSECTION is searched for in the workbook and then overwritten.


Exports the tables to a text file organized in rows and columns. The lines are separated by a line break and the columns by a separator. You can specify the separator under the ' options '.


Exports the tables to the standard XML-based file format for Excel without opening Microsoft Excel.

Formulas and Parameters

Activate the 'Export global parameters' option if you want to export the global parameters defined in the 'Global Parameters ' dialog as a separate table.


Specify whether the table header should also be exported. If the check box 'Export table header' is not checked, only the table content is exported.

With the check box 'Only selected objects' you can only export the data of selected table rows. The selection is facilitated by the synchronization of the selection between graphic and table, which you can switch on and off with the buttons Select Object in Graphic and Show Object in Tables in the table toolbar.

If you do not want to export blank lines, check the 'Only filled lines' check box.

To export only tables with data, select the 'Only filled tables' check box.

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