
Global Parameters

The "Global Parameters" list manages all the parameters that you use for geometry data and internal forces used in formulas.

Accessing Global Parameters

You can open the list of global parameters in the following ways:

  • Use the Global Parameters button in the table toolbar.
  • The Global Parameters button in the Edit Formula dialog box.
  • Click Global Parameters in the Edit menu.

The "Edit Global Parameters" dialog box appears.

Each table row manages a parameter. It is necessary for the "Name" of a parameter to consist of ASCII characters and to be entered without spaces. The name is used to address the parameter in the formulas. Each parameter name can only be assigned once. In the "Symbol" column, you can describe the parameter with a short description.

Select the "Unit Group" of the parameter in the list. This determines whether the parameter represents a length, thickness, angle, and so on. The unit groups are sorted by categories in the list.

The "Definition Type" controls whether the parameter is described by a value or a formula. Depending on your selection, you can enter the "Value" or "Formula" in the following columns.

When entering a formula, you can not only use the parameters of the list, but also describe references to objects. Both options are shown in the image above. The usual JavaScript conventions apply, which you can also use for the formulas in table cells and dialog boxes. They are described in the chapter Formulas.

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