

Stirrups are used to absorb shear and torsional forces in concrete components.

The bracket number is assigned automatically, but can be changed. The order is irrelevant for the numbering. It does not have to be continuous, either; gaps in the numbering are allowed.


The entry of stirrups is only possible if you have entered the Base have activated the 'Concrete reinforcement' check box.

Cover Points No.

You can only position stirrups at cover points. Coverage points are points of the type ' On line ' on the cover line. You can also create additional cover points on the cover line and use them for the stirrup arrangement.

You can define open and closed stirrups. When the stirrups are closed, the start and end cover points are connected to one another.


In the list of materials that have already been created, you can select a material for the stirrup, edit it or define it again. Only 'reinforcing steel' materials are allowed.


The parameters stirrup diameter ds, st, stirrup diameter of curvature dbr, st and factor bending roll diameter k are interdependent. The relationship is described in the following equation:

dbr, st = k · ds, st

Information | Analytical & Mesh

This section provides an overview of important properties such as reinforcement area, length and weight of the stirrup.

Parent Chapter