
Fanggraben Railroad Bridge in Biebesheim am Rhein, Germany

The railroad bridge over the Fanggraben River is part of a manufacturing plant’s new construction in Biebesheim am Rhein.

The plant, which manufactures railroad ties, required access over the Fanggraben River to the rail siding warehouse. The new railroad bridge spans the Fanggraben River at an incline angle of 63 gradians (56.7°).

Due to the limited distance between the top of the rail to the top of the water height, the bridge’s supporting structure required minimal depth. A steel half-through bridge design constructed with a thick sheet metal deck without supporting transverse beams was selected.

The bridge has a length of 12.9 m (42 ft), a span of 11.4 m (37 ft), and a clear width of 4.75 m (16 ft). The engineering office of Schröder + Raue from Zwickau utilized the RFEM finite element program to analyze and design the structure.

Location 64584 Biebesheim am Rhein
Owner LM BW Projekt GmbH & Co. KG
64584 Biebesheim, Germany
Rail Siding Facility Draft Bauplanungsbüro M & K
08107 Kirchberg, Germany
Bridge Structural Engineering Schröder + Raue
Ingenieurbüro für Tragwerksplanung GbR
08058 Zwickau, Germany

Project Specifications

Model Data

Number of Nodes 346
Number of Lines 519
Number of Surfaces 115
Number of Load Cases 10
Number of Load Combinations 10
Total Weight 63.841 t
Dimensions (Metric) 16.320 x 5.550 x 1.033 m
Dimensions (Imperial) 53.54 x 18.21 x 3.39 feet
Program Version 5.25.01

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