
Parallel Members

The Create Parallel Members function on the Tools menu → Modify Members provides various options for copying selected members in parallel. Alternatively, you can use the Parallel Member button available in the CAD toolbar (see image Modeling Tools ).


You can also offset members in parallel without selecting them beforehand. Define the parameters in the 'New Parallel Member with Offset' dialog box, and then click the members.

The following image shows several members whose copies are offset outwards at a distance of 50 cm.

Offset Distance

Enter the distance by which you want to copy the members.

Offset Direction

In the list, select the local axis in whose direction the copy is to be created. Offsets are possible in the positive or negative axis direction. The local axis systems of members are displayed for orientation.

If the copied members do not lie in the xz- or yz-plane of the original objects, specify the 'Rotation about x'. A positive angle β rotates the copies clockwise about the positive member axes x.


The features in this dialog section are still in preparation. It is intended that they allow for connecting the copies with the original members. Optionally, you can 'Copy including loading' that is assigned to the members in all load cases.

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