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Nodal Links

A nodal link makes it easier to connect nodes with neighboring objects. The program searches for nodes and members within a certain area and creates the connection in the form of members of the type Rigid. In this way, you can quickly connect free nodes to the system or link isolated components.


In the Main tab, you can define the type of nodal link. In the 'Assigned to' section, you can define the nodes that are relevant for the search as the "origin".

Allow linking to

There are two object types to choose from when searching for connection options:

  • Nodes
  • Members

You can use the check boxes to restrict the linking options to certain object types. The Options section offers additional options to control the search for objects.

Search Conditions

The program searches for the object (node, member) with the smallest distance to the node in the defined radius. This object is then linked to a rigid member.


Enter the 'Search radius' r to narrow down the search area.

Connection Type

A nodal link creates a connection member between the original node and the nearest object. These members are connected rigidly by default. However, you can also arrange member hinges at the start and end of the member. To do so, select an already defined hinge from the list or define a new hinge type using the New button.


The direction of a connection member always points from the original node to the closest object.


You can use the functions in this section to selectively influence the search.

Exclude objects

Select the check box if you do not want certain objects to be linked. This adds the Exclude Objects tab, in which you can make further specifications.


Nodes that are defined as "original nodes" in the 'Assigned to' section are automatically treated as excluded objects.

Include related objects

Related objects are automatically excluded from the search. These include, for example, integrated objects or definition objects such as nodes, which are used to define members. If you select the check box, these objects are also included in the search.

Exclude Objects

The Exclude Objects tab is available if the corresponding check box has been selected in the Options section. It allows you to define certain objects (nodes or members) that are not to be linked within the search area.

Enter the numbers of the relevant nodes or members. You can also select the objects graphically using the Select Individually button. You can use the Reverse button to import the nodes or members of object selections. To do this, select the relevant object selection (OS) in a separate dialog.

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