

The geometry of the model is defined by members. By assigning a cross-section (that also defines the material), the member gains a stiffness.

Members can only be connected with each other on nodes. When members cross each other without sharing a common node, no connection exists. No internal forces are transferred at such crossings.

Graphically, members can be set individually or continuously. The corresponding functions can be accessed with the list button.

Button Function
New Member New single member with simple definition options
New Member New single member with advanced definition options
New Member Perpendicular to Work Plane New single member perpendicular to work plane
New Member Parallel to Working Plane New single member parallel to work plane
New Continuous Member New continuous member with simple definition options
New Continuous Members General New continuous member with advanced definition options
New Member Set New Member Set

After entering a cross-section (see the image New Member), a dialog box appears that is "Simple" or "General" depending on the function. The general dialog box provides extended options, for example, to define a reference node or to apply member distances for the setting.


The member direction results from the order of the start and end nodes. To change the member direction, right-click the member and select Reverse Member Orientation in the shortcut menu.

By default, the New Member dialog box consists of the Main and Section tabs. They are described in the following two subchapters.

Parent Chapter