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Printout Report Template

Selecting contents as described in the Printout Report Manager chapter involves a lot of effort. Therefore, it is possible to save a compilation, including graphics, as a template and use it for other models. This allows you to efficiently create printout reports from templates. Some templates are set up during the installation.

Importing a template

To use a template for the current printout report, click the Printout Report Template button in the bottom left of the Printout Report Manager . The 'Printout Report Templates' dialog box appears.

The 'List' includes various templates for the printout of the structural analysis and the design add-ons. The preset printout report templates cannot be modified.

If you have created some user-defined templates (see Creating a template), you can select one of these entries in the list and, if necessary, adjust the report items. Click OK to apply the settings of the template to the current printout report.

The buttons below the 'List' have the following functions:

New Creates a new printout report template
Copy Copies selected printout report template
Set as Default Defines settings of selected template as default for new printout reports
Delete Deletes selected user-defined printout report template

You can rename a user-defined template in the 'Name' dialog section.

Creating a template

To save the settings of the current printout report, including graphics, as a template, click Edit Printout Report on the Edit printout report menu. You can also click the Editing Printout Report button in the printout report toolbar. The 'Printout Report Manager' dialog box appears. Click the Save as Template button at the bottom left.

The 'Printout Report Templates' dialog box appears.

The new template appears as the last entry in the list. You can change the preset description in the 'Name' dialog section.


The 'Report Items' included in the template cover information not only about the structural analysis, but data for all add-ons.

Save the new printout report template by clicking OK.

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