
Model Parameters

In the Model Parameters tab, you can define the geographical position of the construction object and enter information about the construction project.


You can enter the location information directly in the text boxes. However, we recommend using the graphical selection in the Geo-Zone Tool, which you can access with the Edit Object button available in the text box (see the image above), or the Geo-Zone Tool button below the table.

Enter the 'LOCATION' of the construction object. You can also define the location by clicking the map. The address, including geographic data, will be imported automatically. If you click OK to apply the location, RSTAB retrieves the load zone data.


If you import the location of the model from the Geo-Zone Tool, the Load wizard for snow loads and the Load wizard for wind loads will use the load values of this location.

The geographic location of the model is also documented in the printout report.

Model Parameters

In this dialog section, you can enter information about the construction object that describes the project and model in more detail. The 'Model ID' as well as the 'Project ID' are displayed, too. These GUIDs ensure the identification of the model when exchanging data, for example with RWIND or Revit®.

Model parameters such as 'Client' and 'Project name' appear in the cover sheet of the printout report.

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