
Graphics for Concrete Design

The evaluation and documentation of the design results is usually done graphically. To display the various types of results on the model, the Navigator - Results is adjusted to the design add-on. The concrete results are controlled in the list of the Navigator, under the Concrete Design result type.

In the work window, you have the same options for the selection and evaluation as for the structural analysis, for example, to display the result sections with reinforcements.

Control Panel

The control panel is also adapted to the Concrete Design results. There, you can adjust the colors for design ratios and reinforcements. This may be necessary if there are several result types displayed at the same time.

Furthermore, you can use the control panel – as you know it from the structural analysis – to scale the factors of the result distributions, or to define the objects for the result display.

Result Value Filter

On the "Results" menu, use the Result Value Filter function (see the image Opening Result Value Filter ) the "Result Value Filter" dialog box. Here, you can define the criteria for displaying result values.

In the "Values" section, use the check boxes to specify the result types for which you want to define the criteria. If you select the check box, you can specify the conditions for this result type in the "Display According to Criteria" dialog box section. In the second column, select which comparison should apply. In the third column, enter the governing value.

The image above shows a condition for the required bottom reinforcement as,req,1. With this specification, only the reinforcement values greater than 3.00 cm²/m are displayed.

Further explanations of the "Result Value Filter" dialog box can be found in Chapter Result Values on Surfaces of the RFEM manual.

The following chapters describe the result types of the design add-on.

Parent Chapter