
Surface Reinforcements

The "Surface Reinforcements" type allows you to define how to carry out the reinforcement of a surface using rebars or meshes.

Input Options

The program provides several options for entering surface reinforcements.

Shortcut Menu of Navigator

In the "Navigator - Data", right-click the Surface Reinforcements category. Then, select New Surface Reinforcement from the shortcut menu.


In the table, set the Structure main category and the Types for Concrete Design subcategory. Double-click an empty row in the Surface Reinforcements worksheet.

Surface Property

You can create a new surface reinforcement directly as a property of a surface. Open the Edit Surface dialog box and switch to the Surface Reinforcement tab.


If there are several surface reinforcements in the list, the program adds the individual reinforcement areas to the total area and applies it for the design. All listed surface reinforcements are thus assigned to the surface.


In the Main tab, you can define the main specifications of a surface reinforcement.

Location Type

The location type defines the basic geometric properties of the surface reinforcement.

The "On Surface" location type is set by default. Thus, the reinforcement defined in the other sections will be applied over the entire surface.

For the types "Free Rectangular", "Free Circular", and "Free Polygon", you can specify such a surface reinforcement geometry that is independent of the geometry of the actual surface.


The location type affects the input options in the Direction and Location tab.



Assign material to the surface reinforcement. If you have already defined the suitable reinforcement steel in the model, it is available for selection in the list. Otherwise, you can use the Creating New Material button to create a new material and open the New Material dialog box, where you can access the material library. You can also directly open this library by clicking the Library button. The "Reinforcing Steel" material is preset here.

Use the Editing Material for Surface Reinforcement ... button to change the material that has already been assigned. The Import Material from Object to Graphic ... button allows you to graphically transfer the reinforcing steel from another surface.

Reinforcement Type

The reinforcement type specifies the type of surface reinforcement.

  • Rebar

Enter the "Diameter" ds of the rebars and the "Rebar spacing"' s. These entries refer to Direction 1 of the reinforcement ("main reinforcement"). If the program should design a diameter or a distance in the design, select the Automatically option.

You can then specify the parameters in a separate dialog box.


The technical article Automatic Design Process of Provided Surface Reinforcement presents an application example of the reinforcement design.

If you want to additionally apply the reinforcement orthogonal to Direction 1, activate the "Additional transverse reinforcement" check box. This activates the text boxes for the reinforcement direction 2, where you can define a diameter ds,90° and a rebar spacing s90°.


The angle of transverse reinforcement between the reinforcement direction 1 and 2 is always 90°. If you want to use a different angle, define a second surface reinforcement for the transverse reinforcement, and specify its orientation in the Direction & Location tab.

  • Mesh

In the list, select a "product range" for support meshes that is available for certain countries. In the "Mesh" list, you can then define the mesh type and select a specific shape.

Click the Library button to access the extensive library of reinforcing steel meshes. You can select a product range in the "Filter" section and import the relevant mesh.

  • Stirrup

For shear reinforcement, enter the "Diameter" ds,st of the members and the "Stirrup spacing" sst.


For the design of surfaces, the stirrup reinforcement is only necessary for the areas with increased shear loading. Therefore, it is usually convenient not to use the "Stirrup" for the entire surface, but to set it as a free reinforcement in critical areas only.


Use the check boxes in this dialog box section to define the surface side(s) where the longitudinal reinforcement is located. This option is not available for a stirrup reinforcement.

If you assign several reinforcement layers on top of each other (an additional reinforcement) to a surface, you can consider the eccentricity of the layers as an "Additional offset to concrete cover". Here, you can define the dimensions eo (top layer) and eu (bottom layer) for the additional reinforcement. In the infographic on the right, the reference points of the distances for the eccentricities are displayed as et (top) and eb (bottom).

Direction and Location

In the Direction and Location tab, you can define the reinforcement direction. The content is aligned with the Location Type of the reinforcement.

Reinforcement Direction

If the reinforcement with the "On Surface" location type is arranged in the entire surface, the Reinforcement Directions type specifies the arrangement of the reinforcement. The main reinforcement is preset "In reinforcement direction of design" with Direction 1 (as,1). You can also select Direction 2 (as,2) in the list as the direction for the main reinforcement.

As an alternative, you can freely define the reinforcement Direction 1, provided that it is "Parallel to two points": Enter the coordinates of these points or select the points one by one in the work window using the Select Two button. Direction 2 of the transverse reinforcement is then oriented orthogonally to the main reinforcement.

Reinforcement Location

Once you have selected a "free reinforcement" (Free Rectangular, Free Circular, Free Polygon) as the location type, you can specify the position of the surface reinforcement more precisely.

Entering a free rectangular, circular, and polygonal reinforcement is similar to entering a corresponding free surface load as described in Chapters Free Rectangular Loads, Free Circular Loads, and and-info/documents/online-manuals/rfem-6/000281 Free Polygon Loads of the RFEM manual. By entering the "corner points" or "center and sides" or "radius", you can define an area where the free surface reinforcement is to be considered.


As in the case of free surface loads, the surface reinforcement can also be projected onto a plane.

Define the "Coordinate system", then select from the "Projection" list which of the global planes XY, YZ, or XZ you want to project the reinforcement on. The projection plane must not be perpendicular to any surface with the reinforcement arranged.


Using the projection, you can create the reinforcement for several surfaces lying in the projection direction. Thus, you only define the "Surface Reinforcement" type once.

Reinforcement Acting Region

If you have selected a "free reinforcement" (Free Rectangular, Free Circular, Free Polygon) as the location type, you can further specify the location of this reinforcement.

By default, the reinforcement area is indefinitely effective in the negative and positive projection directions (-∞/+∞). This way, all surfaces in the projection direction have their reinforcement defined. If you want to limit the range of the projection direction, for example, because the projection should only be active in the negative direction, you can enter the coordinate in the text box or use the Select Individually button to select a suitable point in the model.

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