
Design Ratios on Members

The result tables of the Design Ratios on Members category contain the result data for the performed design checks with the respective design ratios.

The member results are sorted in the tabs according to the following criteria:

  • Loads (design situations, load combinations)
  • Member properties (materials, cross-sections)
  • Objects (member sets, members, member locations x)

Member Set No. / Member No.

For each design criterion, the number of the member set (if designed) and of the member with the greatest utilization is shown.

Location x

The column shows the x-location on the member for which the program has determined the maximum design ratio. The following locations x are relevant to the tabular output:

  • Start and end node
  • Member result intermediate points (if defined)
  • Member division according to the mesh settings for members
  • Extreme values of internal forces

Design Situation

This column shows the numbers of the design situations with the individual ratios available.


This column shows the numbers of the load or result combinations that are governing for the respective design checks.

Design Check Ratio

This column contains the design conditions according to the specified standard . The utilization degree is expressed by the length of the colored bar.

Design Check Type

Each design is identified by an identifier with a number. For example, the ultimate limit state design checks have the "UL" identifier, the serviceability limit state design checks have the "SE" identifier, and the design checks of the construction rules have the "DM"'identifier. The design check type is explained in the Description column.

Design Check Formula

You can activate this column in the Result Table Manager . It shows the equations of the standard, which the design checks are carried out according to.


Each design is explained by a short description with reference to the section in the standard.


You can display the "Design Check Details" for a certain ratio by clicking the Design Details button or by double-clicking the row.

Filtering Results by Limit State

Depending on the filter setting in the Result Table Manager , the results of all or only selected design types will be displayed (for example, the ultimate limit state only).

You can also use the buttons in the table toolbar to directly filter the results by ultimate limit state, serviceability limit state, and reinforcement rules. They are accessible if the design checks are available for the corresponding limit states.

Button Function
Result Filter for Ultimate Limit State Design Shows or hides the ultimate limit state design results
Result Filter for Serviceability Limit State Design Shows or hides the serviceability limit state design results
Construction Details Shows or hides results for reinforcement rules and structural details

Filtering Results by Ratio

The list on the right in the table toolbar allows you to filter the tables by the utilization degree. The Max option shows only the governing design for each object.

You can also define your own filter options in the format "> #.##" in this list. Thus, only the ratios greater than the user-defined value are displayed in the table.