
Calculation Diagrams

The Calculation Diagrams tab of the "Overview" table category lists all the calculation diagrams that you have defined. Special diagram types are available for the pushover analysis.


The chapter Calculation Diagrams of the RFEM manual describes how to create calculation diagrams.

Use the Displaying Calculation Diagram button available in the "Options" table to check the parameters of any calculation diagram. The Edit Calculation Diagram dialog box appears. As an alternative, use the "Calculation Diagrams" category in the Navigator – Data to open this dialog box.

Convergence Diagram

The "Convergence Diagram" type of the diagram allows you to check how the maximum deformation develops in the course of the pushover analysis.

This graphic corresponds to the calculation diagram, which is displayed during the pushover analysis in the Calculation Progress window.

Force-Deformation Diagram

The "Main" diagram type provides the option to display a force-deformation diagram of the pushover analysis.

In the "Source" section, select the Pushover Analysis type. For example, when comparing the displacement of the top node to the sum of the horizontal support forces, you get the pushover curve. This allows you to evaluate the "deformation capacity" of the structure.

Pushover Diagram (ADRS)

The "Pushover ADRS" diagram type allows you to evaluate the results of the pushover analysis in a special calculation diagram. You can visualize the action and the structural behavior in the form of an ADRS (Acceleration Displacement Response Spectrum ).

The "Horizontal Axis" is fixed to the value d* of the structural displacement. For the "Vertical Axis", the following result types are available in the list:

  • Demand Spectrum: Acceleration of the structure due to horizontal forces (a response spectrum)
  • Capacity Spectrum, Bilinear: An idealized pushover curve of a building according to the standard
  • Capacity Spectrum: A pushover curve with actual deformation behavior of the building
  • Demand Spectrum | Capacity Spectrum, Bilinear: Superposition of the demand spectrum and the idealized capacity spectrum
  • Demand Spectrum | Capacity Spectrum, Bilinear | Capacity Spectrum: Superposition of the demand spectrum and both variants of the capacity spectrum

The target displacement dt* is obtained by superimposing the curves.

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