
Input Data

The following chapters describe the input parameters that affect the Response Spectrum Analysis add-on.


The "Response Spectrum Analysis" add-on requires the Modal Analysis.

"Response Spectrum Analysis" Add-on

You can activate or deactivate the use of the response spectrum analysis in the Add-ons tab of the model's Base Data (see the image "Add-ons" for Analysis and Design ). A green dot in front of the add-on description indicates that a license is available. An orange or blue dot means that you can only use the add-on as a demo or as a part of the trial version.

In the Standards I tab of the Base Data, you can select the standard that should be used for the dynamic analysis (see the image Tab "Standards I" ). The Dynamic Analysis input dialog boxes are automatically adjusted to this standard.

After activating the add-on and the standard, the user interface expands to include new entries in the navigator, the tables, and the dialog boxes (see the image Entries in Navigator and Entries in Table ). This way, the response spectrum analysis parameters are fully integrated into the user interface of the programs RFEM or RSTAB.

Input Dialog Boxes

For the response spectrum analysis, two input dialog boxes are crucial:

  • In the Load Cases and Combinations dialog box, you can specify which load cases should be calculated according to the response spectrum analysis, and assign the spectrum and mode shape.
  • In the Spectral Analysis Settings dialog box, you specify the rules according to which the resulting forces and deformations are calculated.