
Pushover Analysis

The Pushover Analysis add-on should determine pushover curves in nonlinear systems, calculate the equivalent bilinear capacity curve, and compare the existing and required deformation capacity, taking into account the energy dissipation capacity.

The main features of the "Pushover Analysis" add-on are:

  • Consideration of nonlinear component behavior using plastic standard hinges for steel (FEMA 356 [1 ]) or nonlinear material behavior (masonry, steel)
  • Direct import of masses for constant loads from load cases or load combinations
  • User-defined specifications for the consideration of horizontal loads (standardized to a mode shape or uniformly distributed over the height of the masses)
  • Determination of a pushover curve with user-defined limit criterion (a collapse or limit deformation)
  • Transformation of the pushover curve into the capacity spectrum (ADRS format, single degree of freedom system)
  • Bilinearization of the capacity spectrum according to EN 1998‑1
  • Transformation of the applied response spectrum into the required spectrum (ADRS format)
  • Determination of target displacement according to EN 1998‑1 (the N2 method according to Fajfar [2])
  • Graphical comparison of the capacity spectrum and the demand spectrum
  • Graphical evaluation of the acceptance criteria for predefined plastic hinges
  • Result display of the values used for the target displacement calculation

  1. FEMA 356: Prestandard and Commentary for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings. (2000). Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington D.C.
  2. Fajfar, P. (2000). A Nonlinear Analysis Method for Performance Based Seismic Design. Earthquake Spectra, 16(3), 573–592. https://doi.org/10.1193/1.1586128