
Finding System Instabilities

A calculation break‑off due to an unstable system can have different reasons. On one hand, it can indicate a "real" instability due to overloading of the system; on the other hand, the error message can result from inaccuracies in the model.

To find modeling errors in the structural system, RFEM provides several elegant options to localize and analyze them. For this, a feature has also been implemented in the RF‑STABILITY module: The "Calculate buckling shape for unstable model so that causes of instability can be checked graphically" option allows you to calculate supposedly unstable structural systems. With the model data, the module performs an eigenvalue analysis so that the result of the instability of the affected structural component is shown graphically. This method is particularly suited to find, for example, members that are not connected or that have too many open degrees of freedom.


Mr. Lex is responsible for developing products for glass structures and for quality assurance of the RFEM program. He also provides technical support for our customers.

