
VE0066 | Plastic Thick-Walled Vessel


A thick-walled vessel is loaded by inner pressure, which is chosen so that the vessel reaches the elastic-plastic state. The problem is modeled as a quarter model. While neglecting self-weight, determine and compare the analytical and numerical solution for the radial position of the plastic zone border ry under the Tresca hypothesis for the yield surface.

Material Elastic-Plastic Modulus of Elasticity E 200000.000 MPa
Poisson´s Ratio ν 0.250 -
Yield Strength fy 200.000 MPa
Geometry Inner Radius r1 200.000 mm
Outer Radius r2 300.000 mm
Load Inner Pressure p1 80.000 kPa

Analytical Solution

The analytical solution of the given problem is analogous to the analytical solution of VE0064 - Thick-Walled Vessel and VE0065 - Two-Layered Thick-Walled Vessel.

The stress state of the thick-walled vessel is described by the equation of equilibrium

The Tresca criterion implies the tensile yield strength fy to be equal to

which then with the boundary condition σr=-p1 renders the equation of equilibrium into the relation

The relationship between the pressure py at the yield radius ry follows:

Further, the elastic part of the vessel has to be described. Again from the Tresca criterion another formula for the pressure at the yield radius results:

Lastly, combining previous formulas yields the sought relation:

The numerical solution of this formula follows in result table.

RFEM Settings

  • Modeled in RFEM 5.06 and RFEM 6.06
  • The element global size is lFE = 2.000 mm
  • Mesh refinement is applied on the lines of symmetry (lFE = 0.100 mm)
  • The number of increments is 10
  • Isotropic plastic 2D/3D material model is used


Quantity Analytical Solution RFEM 6 Ratio RFEM 5 Ratio
ry [mm] 278.103 277.900 0.999 276.200 0.993
