
Soil Model of Foundation Overlap

A previous article presented different variants of surface elastic foundations in addition to the traditional subgrade reaction modulus method. The following article describes another method for surface foundation. This method considers the adjacent ground areas by means of a foundation overlap. In this case, foundation parameters refer to the continuing works by Pasternak and Barwaschow.

Equation According to Pasternak


H is the foundation thickness,
μ is the Poisson's ratio.

Equation According to Barwaschow


H is the foundation thickness,

μ is the Poisson's ratio.

The foundation overlaps applied to this method should ideally reach until the settlement on the edge of the foundation overlap is close to zero. Moreover, the additional area should not have any additional governing stiffness, which is why the foundation overlap thickness should be kept very low.

In addition to the short calculation time, an advantage of this variant is the consideration of the shear resistance. Furthermore, this method allows you to graphically display the settlement behavior outside of the foundation edge. This way, it is also possible to represent the interaction between several separate buildings that have an influence on each other via the subsidence basin.


E0 = 10,000 kN/m²
μ = 0.2
H = 3 m


Mr. Baumgärtel provides technical support for Dlubal Software customers.

