
Separate Load Entry for Structure or Foundation Design

In RF-/FOUNDATION Pro, the foundation design requires the definition of the corresponding loading (load cases, load combinations, or result combinations) for different design situations (STR, GEO, UPL, or EQU).

By default, the loads for designs are entered for the design situations (STR) and (GEO) in Window 1.4 Loading. This means that the same loads are used for these designs.

In RF-/FOUNDATION Pro, you can also change this setting, if necessary. To do this, clear the "Apply the same loads for (STR) and (GEO)" check box in the "Details" dialog box. Thus, you adjust Window 1.4 Loading, so you can enter the loading separately for the designs of the structure and the foundation.


Mr. Kieloch provides technical support to our customers and is responsible for development in the area of reinforced concrete structures.

