You are making great improvements to the Dlubal software RFEM, the Add-ons, codes, etc. It is great to see how Dlubal has become an outstanding software for structural engineers. I particularly love to see that tensile membrane structures can also be modeled with Dlubal. Kudos!
In general I like RFEM because I think it's very user-friendly; in fact, it simplifies repetitive work a lot but at the same time, you can control and set all the parameters.
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In the Construction Stage Analysis (CSA) add-on, you have the option to modify the object and design properties of members, surfaces, and so on, in the individual construction stages.

During the calculation, you can use the Calculation Progress window to graphically display the model deformation for the calculation steps.

In the wind simulation, it is possible to consider member coatings (for example, from ice loads).

If you activate the "Link to Nearby Objects…" option for nodes, RFEM or RSTAB automatically searches for neighboring objects. A link in the form of a rigid member is then created for these members, nodes, or surfaces.
You can specify various settings for searching for nearby objects. Including search area, object types to be searched for, and objects to be excluded. Furthermore, you can specify member hinges for the created connecting member.
Can I optimize parametric cross-sections?
How can I define RSECTION cross-sections in Grasshopper?
How can I fix the error warning “10060 - The structure is unstable” for modal analysis instability?
Is it always necessary to consider tension member nonlinearities in response spectrum analysis?
How can I convert a member set or several members into a single member again?
Is it possible to use both the convenient automatic generation and to subsequently customize the structure?