Quick and Easy Automatic Generation of Loads and Combinations
Generation of Snow Loads
Do your structures also have to withstand snowfall? Use the Snow Load Wizard to generate snow loads as member loads or surface loads.
The following standards are available:
EN 1991-1-3 (incl. National Annexes)
SIA 261
GB 50009
IS 875
Generation of Wind Loads
Wind loads are also not a problem in your design. You can automatically generate wind loads as member loads or area loads (RFEM) on the following structural components:
- Vertical walls
- Flat roofs
- Monopitch roofs
- Duopitch/troughed roofs
- Vertical walls with duopitch roof
- Vertical walls with flat/monopitch roof
The following standards are available to you:
EN 1991-1-3 (incl. National Annexes)
SANS 10160
GB 50009
Generating Member/Line Loads from Area Loads
Use all types of loads without any difficulty. You can automatically convert the area loads into member loads or line loads (RFEM).
In the case of member loads from area loads, you have to define a plane via corner nodes or select cells in the graphic. Then the rest works by itself.
Generating Member Loads from Free Line Loads
Also for pure member models, such as girder grillages, there is a useful feature for you. Here you can define free line loads (for example, from conveyor belts) and transfer them proportionally to members.
With Dlubal, you can safely and easily design structures all over the world. Select from a large number of standards in the Base Data. You can also decide whether to create the combinations automatically.
The following standards are available:
EN 1990
EN 1990 | Timber
EN 1990 | Road Bridges
EN 1990 | Cranes
EN 1990 | Geotechnical Engineering
EN 1990 | Base + Timber
EN 15512
ASCE 7 | Timber
ACI 318
NBC | Timber
NBR 8681
IS 800
SIA 260
SIA 260 | Timber
BS 5950
GB 55001 | GB 55002
GB 50009 | GB 50011
GB 50068 | GB 50011
SANS 10160-1
SANS 10163-1 | Timber
NTC | Timber
AS/NZS 1170.0
SP 20.13330:2016
TSC | Steel
For the European standards (EC), the following National Annexes are available:
DIN | 2012-08 (Germany)
CEN | 2010-04 (European Union)
BDS | 2013-03 (Bulgaria)
BS | 2009-06 (United Kingdom)
CSN | 2015-05 (Czech Republic)
CYS | 2010-06 (Cyprus)
DK | 2013-09 (Denmark)
ELOT | 2009-01 (Greece)
EVS-EN 1990:2002+NA:2002 (Estonia)
IS | 2010-04 (Ireland)
LST | 2012-01 (Lithuania)
LU | 2020-03 (Luxembourg)
LVS | 2015-01 (Latvia)
MS | 2010-02 (Malaysia)
NBN | 2015-05 (Belgium)
NEN | 2011-12 (Netherlands)
NF | 2011-12 (France)
NP | 2009-12 (Portugal)
NS | 2016-05 (Norway)
ÖNORM | 2013-03 (Austria)
PN | 2010-09 (Poland)
SFS | 2010-09 (Finland)
SIST | 2010-08 (Slovenia)
SR | 2006-10 (Romania)
SS | 2008-06 (Singapore)
SS | 2019-01 (Sweden)
STN | 2010-01 (Slovakia)
TKP | 2011-11 (Belarus)
UNE | 2010-07 (Spain)
UNI | 2010-10 (Italy)
Load Cases and Combinations
To ensure that your structures can cope with all loads, take a look at the "Load Cases and Combinations" dialog box. Here you can create and manage load cases. Furthermore, you can also generate action and load combinations as well as design situations here. You can assign the action categories of the selected standard to the individual load cases. If you have assigned several loads to an action category, they can act simultaneously or alternatively (for example, either wind from the left or wind from the right).
Combination Expressions
For the combination of actions, you have come to the right place. If you use them in the ultimate and the serviceability limit state, you can select various design situations according to the standard (for example, ULS (STR/GEO) - permanent/transient, SLS - quasi-permanent, and others). Optionally, you can also integrate imperfections in the combination and determine load cases that should not be combined with other load cases (for example, construction load for roof not combined with snow load).
Accidental Design Situation
Do your structures also have to withstand unusual conditions? Then select the "accidental" design situation. Here, accidental actions such as earthquake, explosion loads, collisions, and many others, are considered automatically. Furthermore, when using German standards, you can select the "Accidental - Snow" design situation to consider the "North German Plain" automatically as well.
Action Combinations
Do you want to combine actions? Then use this feature. Here, the actions are automatically superimposed in accordance with combination expressions and then displayed as "action combinations". You can define which action combinations will eventually be used for the generation of load or result combinations. Based on the created action combinations, you can estimate how the combination expressions affect the number of combinations.
Load Combinations
RFEM 6 offers you a wide range of helpful and efficient functions for working with load combinations. You can add the load cases included in load combinations together and then calculate them in consideration of the corresponding factors (partial safety and combination factors, coefficients regarding consequence classes, and so on). Generate the load combinations automatically in compliance with the combination expressions of the standard. You can perform the calculation according to the linear static analysis, second-order analysis, or large deformation analysis, as well as for post-critical analysis. Optionally, you can define whether the internal forces should be related to the deformed or non-deformed structure.
Result Combinations
Rely on RFEM 6 even in the case of result combinations. First, you can have the contained load cases calculated in the result combinations. Then, the results are superimposed by taking into account the corresponding factors. In the result combinations, you can superimpose the results of load cases, load combinations, and other result combinations. Internal forces are added together by default. However, you have the option of a square addition, which is relevant for dynamic analysis.
Modifying Stiffnesses / Considering Initial Deformations
Do not lose track of stiffnesses and initial deformations. In the individual load cases or combinations, you have the option to modify the stiffnesses of materials, cross-sections, nodal, line and surface supports, and member and line hinges for all or selected members. You can also consider initial deformations from other load cases or load combinations.
Calculate Your Price

The price is valid for United States.

In the wind simulation, it is possible to consider member coatings (for example, from ice loads).

If you activate the "Link to Nearby Objects…" option for nodes, RFEM or RSTAB automatically searches for neighboring objects. A link in the form of a rigid member is then created for these members, nodes, or surfaces.
You can specify various settings for searching for nearby objects. Including search area, object types to be searched for, and objects to be excluded. Furthermore, you can specify member hinges for the created connecting member.

The Cable on Pulleys member type allows you to simulate a cable system deflected by pulleys.
This member type only absorbs tensile forces and can only be displaced in the longitudinal direction. It is suitable for flexible tension elements whose longitudinal forces are transferred through the model via deflection points (for example, a pulley).

The gRPC-based Dlubal API gives you access to almost all modeling and calculation functions, allowing you to create, modify, and analyze models programmatically. The ability to extract results is not yet implemented, but will be added in a future update.
The API is based on Python and is the technological successor to the previous Webservice with Python. While most modeling functions are already available, work is ongoing to complete the implementation.
Further information can be found on the following website:
Can I optimize parametric cross-sections?
How can I define RSECTION cross-sections in Grasshopper?
How can I fix the error warning “10060 - The structure is unstable” for modal analysis instability?
Is it always necessary to consider tension member nonlinearities in response spectrum analysis?
How can I convert a member set or several members into a single member again?
Is it possible to use both the convenient automatic generation and to subsequently customize the structure?