
Siegrist Igor Carpenteria Warehouse in Maggia, Switzerland

The building has a floor area of about 5,812 ft² and is intended for storage. The complex is divided into 10 different units, with common access from the inner courtyard, each equipped with a mezzanine for storing goods or equipment.


The work carried out includes the structural design of the entire complex in relation to its intended use and surroundings, with particular attention to fire resistance. In particular, an REI 60 fire resistance had to be created on two of the three external walls of the complex, while on the other an REI 90 fire protection was applied; in the internal part, however, no specific fire resistance requirements were required.

The structure was made of GL24h glued-laminated timber, optimizing both the type of section used and the steel fasteners on the carpentry nodes. The perimeter sides were calculated with their own fire resistance and are autonomous from a static point of view so that in the event of an internal structure collapse during a fire, the required compartmentation can still be guaranteed (the exposed plates were then coated/encased).

Location la Cantonal, 176
Rivero, Switzerland
Investor Siegrist Igor Carpenteria
Via Fiume al, 6673
Maggia, Switzerland
Structural Design ALPEAS – ingegneri associati
Via Roma num. 49/A
Borgo Chiese (TN), Italy
Timber Structure: Marlegno Srl
Via delle Industrie,14
Bolgare (BG), Italy

Project Specifications

Model Data

Number of Nodes 256
Number of Lines 539
Number of Members 491
Number of Surfaces 0
Number of Solids 0
Number of Load Cases 12
Number of Load Combinations 249
Number of Result Combinations 1
Total Weight 26.517 tons
Dimensions (Metric) 38.190 x 6.250 x 20.560 m
Dimensions (Imperial) 125.3 x 20.51 x 67.45 feet

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