
CO2 Emissions

The second part of the Optimization & Costs / CO2 Emission Estimation add-on allows you to estimate the CO2 emissions of models. The building shown in the image Apartment Building is used as an example.

The procedure for estimating the CO2 emissions is very similar to the principle described in Chapter Costs. First, activate the Estimation of CO2 Emissions option when creating or editing the materials.


Since there are different materials for the structural components (a floor slab, the outer and inner walls of a cellar, ceilings, and so on) (see the image Apartment Building), it is necessary to activate the CO2 emission estimation separately for each material. Thus, you can also estimate the CO2 emissions for certain materials only.

In the CO2 Emission Estimation tab of the same dialog box, you can define the unit emission and the respective unit) for members, surfaces/layers, and solids, which will be applied to each material. The program automatically determines the "sum emissions" and "total emissions" and displays them as shown in the image Estimation of CO2 Emissions.


The values of unit emissions are specified in the relevant regulations.


Negative emissions can also be taken into account.