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Volano Building Siena Hospital, Italy

Located on Viale Mario Bracci in Siena, "Santa Maria alle Scotte" is a prominent Italian hospital. To enhance its efficiency and modernity, the University Hospital of Siena (AOU) initiated a comprehensive redevelopment plan, which includes both aesthetic and functional improvements along with reorganization of the existing facilities.

The redevelopment includes the construction of the Volano building, designed by ATI Project, which plays a central role in preparing the site for future renovations. This building will initially establish core hospital spaces, essential for relocating functions and facilitating a smoother renovation process. It serves as a critical foundation for subsequent modernization efforts, supporting a transformation that aims to enhance the hospital’s capacity and operational efficiency.

In terms of construction and design, the Volano building is engineered to eventually evolve into a new structure that accommodates essential hospital functions, allowing the release of space in critical departments and minimizing disruptions. This carefully phased approach ensures continuous, safe operation within the hospital while accommodating upgraded facilities, expanded spaces, and modern technical solutions for a sustainable and adaptable healthcare environment.

Location Viale Marco Bracci, Siena
Structural Analysis ATI Project
Client Azienda ospedaliero-universitaria senese

Project Specifications

Model Data

Number of Nodes 1675
Number of Lines 2569
Number of Members 1042
Number of Surfaces 668
Number of Solids 0
Number of Load Cases 18
Number of Load Combinations 74
Number of Result Combinations 7
Total Weight 18652.260 tons
Dimensions (Metric) 66,373 x 54,290 x 38,792 m
Dimensions (Imperial) 217.76 x 178.12 x 127.27 feet

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