
Combination of Linear and Nonlinear Supports

When defining real support conditions, it is always necessary to combine linear and nonlinear support conditions. This way, a beam resting on a wall can transfer compression forces to the wall and the line support (wall) will not take over the lifting forces. These forces should be carried by screws, for example, which are defined as a linear nodal support.

In general, you should clearly define the degrees of freedom on an FE node. If a nonlinear line support and a linear nodal support are defined at the same location (node), the requirement mentioned above does not apply. RFEM displays a message that supported nodes lie on a supported line. This warning should not be ignored.

To achieve the right support reaction, you should define the node and line supports in a geometrically different location. To do this, you can copy and move the supported node a few centimeters downwards and connect the new and originally supported node with a coupling member. Now, you can move the nodal support to the new node.


Mr. Flori is the customer support team leader and provides technical support for customers of Dlubal Software.

