
FAQ 005297 | Which ''Limit State Types'' are applicable for the AISC 341 steel design?

Which Limit State Types are applicable for the AISC 341 steel design?

The Earthquake limit state (with or without overstrength) only provides results for the members with Seismic Configurations assigned. The Strength limit state is used to design all members, including the members that are not part of the seismic force-resisting system (SFRS). Therefore, both Earthquake and Strength limit states are required. The Serviceability limit state is also available.

An example of the applicable design situations/limit state types for the LRFD Design is shown in Image 01.

  1. @image033448#


1) The web ductility check per Table D1.1 of AISC 341-16 is applicable to all load combinations. Hence, the design situation DS1 with Earthquake limit state is required.

2) The Result combinations are required when using the response spectrum analysis.
