What is single sign-on (SSO)?
Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication method that allows you to access multiple independent software systems with a single set of credentials, such as a user name and password. SSO eliminates the need to log in to each system separately, simplifying the log-in process and improving the user experience.
How does single sign-on work in RFEM 6?
RFEM 6 uses single sign-on to simplify the licensing process. Currently, the Microsoft Azure Active Directory account is supported. The implementation of SSO in RFEM 6 is as follows:
- System account query: RFEM 6 asks Windows for the system account of the currently logged-in user.
- Silent token acquisition: RFEM 6 tries to obtain an access token for the user in the background and without user interaction.
- Interactive token acquisition (if necessary): If silent token acquisition fails, for example, because the user is not logged in or no valid session exists, RFEM 6 tries to acquire the access token interactively.
- Token validation: RFEM 6 validates the obtained access token against the Microsoft Graph API endpoint at https://graph.microsoft.com. This step ensures that the token is issued by Microsoft and is valid.
- Token submission to Dlubal license server: After successful validation, RFEM 6 sends the access token to the Dlubal license server.
- User data retrieval and license check: The Dlubal license server also contacts https://graph.microsoft.com to retrieve the email address of the user associated with the access token. Based on this email address, the license server determines the associated company and checks if a valid license for RFEM 6 is available.
What are the benefits of single sign-on in RFEM 6?
- Simplified login process: You do not have to log in every time you start RFEM 6, provided you are already logged in to Windows.
- Increased user-friendliness: Fewer passwords to remember and faster access to the software.
Improved security: SSO can improve security by centralizing password management and reducing the risk of weak or reused passwords.
What are the requirements for using SSO in RFEM 6?
- Corporate account: Your company needs to have an account that is compatible with single sign-on (for example, a Microsoft Azure Active Directory account).
- RFEM 6 license: A valid RFEM 6 license has to be assigned to your company account.
- Internet connection: An active internet connection is required for authentication and license verification.
What can I do if single sign-on does not work in RFEM 6?
- Check your internet connection: Make sure that your computer is connected to the internet.
- Check Windows login: Make sure you are logged in to your Windows system.
- Microsoft account issues: Check if there are any issues with your Microsoft or work account. If necessary, contact your IT administrator.
- RFEM 6 restart: Restart RFEM 6. Sometimes a restart can fix the problem.
- Contact Dlubal Support: If the problem persists, please contact Dlubal Software Support.
Do I need a permanent internet connection to use RFEM 6 with SSO?
No, RFEM 6 does not require a permanent internet connection for continuous use after the license has been successfully activated via SSO. An internet connection is mainly required for the license check when starting RFEM 6. At regular intervals, RFEM 6 can carry out a new license check in the background to ensure the validity of the license.